The Plan Didn't Change
Delivered By
Pastor Craig Buelow
Delivered On
July 7, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Central Passage
Matthew 28:16-20
Rock my Boat Series, Episode 5

At a certain point, Jesus’s disciples were in the boat, and the Master had walked away to spend time in prayer with the Father. As the severe storm was raging and their boat floating uncontrollably, they felt unattended, assuming they needed immediate response from Jesus. Oftentimes, when we are faced with family disasters, unchecked emotions, unmet expectations, to name a few, we also feel like we are unattended, eventually asking where Jesus is. How, then, are we supposed to navigate such a "worst-case scenario"? As we enter the fifth and last episode of our Rock my Boat series, we invite you to reflect upon a wise, deeply Spirit-inspired message brought to us by Pastor Craig Buelow!

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