Test Me
Delivered By
Pastor Craig Buelow
Delivered On
July 21, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Central Passage
2 Corinthians 8:7-15
Open your Heart Series, Episode 2

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35b NRSV This principle created by God and given to us by the Apostle Paul is very challenging when our mindset is based on the spirit of scarcity rather than on the abundance God has in store for those who freely give to His Kingdom. The more we give to the Kingdom of God, that is, not only our time and talents, but also our finances, the more He gives back to us, so we can bless others. As faithful as He is, He honors us as we honor Him. The Lord Jesus Christ invites us today to step outside of the worldly living of holding back, so He can pour more into us. Are we giving everything or is there anything we are holding back? Join us today, as Pastor Craig Buelow teaches us to put our faith in action, moving from scarcity to the abundant life in Christ far above all we could ever ask or think!  

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