In Sorrow and In Rejoicing
Delivered By
Pastor Craig Buelow
Delivered On
July 14, 2024 at 11:00 AM
Central Passage
2 Corinthians 6:1-13
Open your Heart Series, Episode 1

To divide and conquer is an old military tactic used by kings, emperors, and other leaders over the course of history, so as to win their battles and wars. When it comes to spiritual warfare, it’s no different: Satan plays dirty to raise Christian brothers and sisters against one another in an effort to weaken, divide, and conquer/subdue the body of Christ. With that said, how can we avoid pointless conflicts that end up getting in the way of our relationship with each other, subsequently putting in jeopardy our relationship with the Lord Jesus? Join us today as our honor guest, as Pastor Craig Buelow starts “Open your Heart”, our brand-new series!

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