Advent Season - Peace: Rahab
Delivered By
Pastor Craig Buelow
Delivered On
December 4, 2022 at 10:00 AM
Central Passage
Matthew 1:1-7

God is sovereign, and, as such, He does as He pleases. Not seldom, God's means to unfold events are not comprehended by humans. For instance, God used Rahab, a prostitute, to establish peace among His people. Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, in turn, stated He came to bring sword rather than peace. At the same time, nevertheless, the Lord Jesus Christ, Jehovah Shalom, is the only one who can provide us with true, supernatural peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding. Pastor Craig Buelow examines Rahab's very example in order for us to see through spiritual eyes that whatever God does and whoever He uses contribute to us finding in Jesus our real, only trustworthy source of peace.   

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